MAYNARD / DANIELS Family Reunion
August 3 - 9, 2005

This reunion was at the home of JoAnn and Peter Maynard. When we arrive in at their home in Kelso, Washington, there was a birthday celebration for Dick Maynard's 74th.

Kelso was our home base for the beginning and end of the reunion.
View from front porch.
Heather riding Diego
The Daniels' home away from home

We spent day 2 at Mt. St. Helens.
View from Mt. St. Helens vistor center. The right hand photo shows a puff of steam from the not-quite slumbering volcano! The park ranger was quite impressed.

JoAnn & Peter. Diane & Bob (Maynards)
Anne Bowman , Dick Maynard

Heather Daniels, Sandy Cole
Dick Daniels
Reunion photo at the vistor center
Volcano blast debris

Volcano regrowth

Days 3-5 at Harmony Lakeside RV Park
Park entrance
JoAnn (and others) on boat cruise
The gang at Gravel Bar
Sarah, Ian, Austin (Amanda not shown)

Custom art at the park.


Evening of Day 5 we went back to Kelso. The next day we went for a ride along the Columbia River - west along Oregon side, lunch at Pier 11, and returning east along Washington side.


The remaining photos were taken on day 4 when Dick, Sandy, and Heather went first to Quinault Rain Forest which is part of the Olympic Rain Forest.

Heather randomly encountered a friend from Brown!
Banana slug

In the latter part of the day we went to Olympia where there was a family reunion with Sandy's sister Ann (Marize) and the Hopkins clan.

Amanda D, Kelcie H, Celeste Dams, Addy D
Ann & Lloyd
Robert & Andrea Hopkins
Bailey, Kelcie, Kai Hopkins
Steve, Celeste, Addy, Amanda Dams

Andrea, Rob, Kelcie, Kai, Bailey
Amanda Dams
Ann & Lloyd and grand kids
Heather, Sandy
Heather, Bailey, Amanda

Dick, Sandy, and Heather spent most of our last day in Portland, much of it in Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. After the museum we walked a bridge towards center city. Dick took lots of pictures of Heather before leaving her to start the China odyssey.